We arrived at about 6pm and after waiting about 20 mins for Andy and several other journalists to interview and photograph Ashleigh and Pudsey we finally got seated in the auditorium. Only to find Ashleigh and Pudsey came into the auditorium to intrduce the film. Here is my really bad picture which doesn't do Ashley or Pudsey justice as they looked beautiful on the evening.
The story of the film (according to the official movie website) is:
A heartwarming, quintessentially British adventure for all the family, PUDSEY THE DOG: THE MOVIE follows cheeky London stray dog, Pudsey, who is quite happy being a lone ranger, looking out for number one, until he meets siblings Molly (Izzy Meikle-Small), George (Spike White) and Tommy (Malachy Knights). After losing their father, their mother Gail (Jessica Hynes) is moving the family to the sleepy village of Chuffington and Pudsey tags along, to the dismay of their landlord, Mr. Thorne (John Sessions), and his cat Faustus. As Pudsey starts to settle in with the family and realize what he was missing when he was alone, he stumbles across Thorne’s evil plan and he determines to save them and the whole village.
The film was an old-fashioned family comedy that had me laughing out loud in some places and feeling really emotional in other places. Izzy Meikle-Small, Spike White, Malachy Knights and Jessica Hynes really gelled together and from the scenes where the siblings argue to where they work together to solve problems I was convinced that they really were a family. The star of the show for me was Pudsey and the other talking animals especially the farm animals in Chuffington, there were many LOL moments from the farmyard scenes.

I didn't expect to like this film but I loved it, while the story is simple and easy to follow it allows the characters on screen to really blossom and it was their performances that really pulled me in and I found myself lost in the story of the film. It opens in Cinemas on Friday 18th July 2014.
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