Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Smile - loving the weather

Last Thursday I took the kids to stay in Carmarthen so A and I could have a couple of days sorting and organising in the house. That included the usual Bank Holiday visit to Ikea on Friday to buy a shelf unit for my crafting area (more on that in WOYWW tomorrow).  Instead of getting the kids back on Sunday we decided to spend a couple of nights in C'then as well so on Sunday we could go on a day trip to Tenby, we couldn't think of a better place to be on Easter Sunday. Amazingly I have managed to scrap 3 pix from the beach on Sunday today.  I have done a whole layout from start to finish today! I can't believe it - it usually takes months!  Here's the layout:

Journalling reads: Easter Sunday 24/4/11 We're having beautiful weather for April.  Temperatures are soring with a high of 26C.  We decided to make the most of the weather and head to Tenby on the train to enjoy time on the beach.



  1. Great layout! I love Tenby, I want to run the cafe on the beach there as it is always closed when we go. We always holiday in Newport (Pembs) as the in-laws have a house there. Its so great to have beach weather on a holiday isn't it?! Like you, I just had to scrap the photos straight away. Hope you find the sketches useful and thanks for stopping by.

  2. Well done on a fab layout and soooo quickly too!!!
