Then the debacle happened. Project Life instantaneously decided to change the way they would sell the product to their own website and delivery methods. They announced the products would go on sale at 4pm on the Wednesday afternoon but they web site immediately crashed and didn't come back up before I had to leave for work. By the time I returned home, the site had sold out of all available stock for February and March with a product wait for May delivery and this was the case for the products I wanted. The prices seemed quite reasonable until you went to check out your basket where VAT and shipping was added.
Eventually I decided against doing Project Life and started work on Document 2012, based on Shimelle's Document 2010. I'm using American Crafts divided page protectors from Sarah's Crafts and some 12x12 page protectors I already have. I'm currently working on January and February as, if I'm honest I spent about another month in crisis trying to decide between them. So far I'm finding Document 2012 really easy to do as I'm using the Evernote app in my iPod to make notes about what happens each day and the albums function in Picasa to store all then pix I want to use.
So to tie in with Shimelle's colour adventure challenge I created this title page for Document 2012. Can't wait to show you January and February pages when their complete.

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